Campaign Types
The key to a successful property sales campaign is the ability to react quickly to the market with eye catching designs, personalised copy and dynamic images to catch the attention of your chosen audience.
Prospecting campaigns to properties not currently on the market.
Sold In Your Area
Looking For Homes Like Yours
Anniversary Mailings
Previously Withdrawn
Likely Movers
Traditionally referred to as “touts”, our on-market campaigns target sellers who are most likely to consider instructing a new agent.
New Instructions
Still On The Market
Price Reductions
Successful Print Marketing
We use key property information to vary the content and imagery for each of the campaign types to ensure we are only sending relevant marketing to each household. Our end-to-end campaign management is carried out by applying your brand guidelines to our library of proven campaigns or working with you to design your own.
Making campaigns as efficient as possible also relies on excluding households that are unlikely to respond. Variations across the country mean that as few as one third of properties in a given territory may be owner occupied with the rest rented and social housing. SmartSelect can exclude all social and privately rented properties from a sales campaign, massively reducing wastage and the overall volume of the campaigns you send. Properties currently on the market can also be excluded from certain campaigns to ensure each property receives the most relevant messages.
These types of exclusions are not possible with mailing products such as a Royal Mail door drop service. Although these products are typically at a lower price point, cost savings are negated by the amount of wastage and lack of response. SmartSelect can further refine the selections to optimize the campaigns by targeting only houses of the desired type, value or size to ensure the valuations generated are for the right properties and meet the demands of your applicants.
Off-Market Campaigns
Sold In Your Area
The Sold In Your Area campaign selects households within a close radius to the sold property and features a bespoke front image.
As part of the campaign, SmartSelect can exclude all social housing and rental properties as well as properties currently OTM. Further refinements can be made by selecting properties of a similar type, size or value to the one sold.
These smart selections increase the effectiveness of the campaign and the quality of the leads generated by removing the properties unlikely to sell and only targeting the best prospects.
Campaign Exclusions
Privately rented
Social housing
Recently sold
Currently on-the-market
Featured image of the sold property
Properties in close proximity
Property type
Property value
Number of bedrooms
Looking For Homes Like Yours
Looking For Homes Like Yours is a campaign designed to drive valuations for the properties most in demand. SmartSelect can prioritise properties based on your applicants demands by only targeting properties of a certain type, size, value, or in a chosen geographical area. The campaign delivers excellent response rates using clear personalised messaging, informing the owner that the property is in high demand with a recommendation to book an up-to-date valuation.
Campaign Exclusions
Privately rented
Social housing
Recently sold
Currently on-the-market
Dynamic property image
Dynamic property text
Property types
Properties price
Number of bedrooms
Postcode area
Anniversary Mailings
The anniversary of the property sale is a key variable to drive sales. Campaigns can be used to inform the household of relevant changes since the property purchase such as value, school catchment areas and the outlook of market conditions. Timely information can encourage owners to re-evaluate their needs for the next period of home ownership as well as an opportunity to cross sell other services such as financial advice and mortgage renewals.
Campaign Exclusions
Privately rented
Social housing
Recently sold
Currently on-the-market
Dynamic campaign image
Dynamic campaign text
Purchase month and year
Overall tenure
Property price
Property type
Previously Withdrawn
Previously withdrawn campaigns target properties that have been listed to sell in the past but were subsequently withdrawn from the market. SmartSelect aggregates the historic withdrawn properties during a specified date range with messaging designed to motivate the owners to revisit marketing the property.
Campaign Exclusions
Privately rented
Social housing
Recently sold
Currently on-the-market
Featured image for the campaign theme
Dynamic copy according to on-market history
Properties withdrawn
Property types in demand
Property price in demand
Number of bedrooms in demand
On-Market Campaigns
SmartSelect Triggers
SmartSelect Triggers can extract the full address of properties currently on the market and communicate with these properties at various stages through the sales cycle. SmartSelect receives daily status updates for each property currently on the market with your competitors. The campaign promotes your services over your competitor using a series of intelligent and targeted letters encouraging the vendor to make contact if they are frustrated with the progress of the sale.
Campaign Exclusions
Privately rented
Social housing
Recently sold
New instructions
4 weeks OTM
8 weeks OTM
12 weeks OTM
16 weeks OTM
Price reduction
How can we help?
Our friendly team are always here to offer expert advice.